Sample Chapter

Syncronize your life with Him!

Holy Time, an ebook by Tsiyon Radios Eliyahu ben David

Holy Time, an ebook by Tsiyon Radio’s Eliyahu ben David

Holy Time

Interested in learning more about Holy Time? Then you have come to the right place!

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Holy Time eBook

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Check out the awesome feedback other readers have been giving.  Be prepared, reading this book will change your life.

Bible students and scholars will enjoy taking a fresh new look at time as it pertains to the Scriptures.

Ready to Keep Holy Time?

Sabbath Meetings for the Remnant You can join us, online or in person, for our Sabbath meetings and other Holy Time appointments with the Creator, inside Tsiyon Tabernacle. Simply login to (or register for a free account, see website for more details). Once you’ve logged in, you will enjoy Sabbath meetings, Tsiyon Academy, Bible study, live-streams, Prophecy seminars, prayer, fellowship and more.

Listen to Tsiyon Road Messianic radio to join us in keeping Holy Time. Search for “Tsiyon Road” on your favorite internet radio streaming apps, or visit our radio-station website at for more details, including daily live streaming of anointed Bible-study sessions and independent musical artists sharing their talents while lifting up Messiah to encourage His people everywhere.

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