Category: Holy Time

Syncronize your life with Him!

Set-Apart Celebration

Join us for this month seven bursting with great new teachings, fellowship, celebrations, and Holy Time related events. All month long we will be hosting live-streamed meetings (and if you miss them, check out the recordings) for: Fast of Trumpets, Atonement Day, Sukkot, and all of the Sabbath meetings too. You won’t want to miss…
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September 29, 2022 0

Passover 6022 Celebration

Now you can participate in Passover Pesach remotely, even if you live far way! Join us at Tsiyon Tabernacle Passover Presentation. We will also have special programing on Tsiyon Road Radio.

April 7, 2022 0

Shmita Year

A tiny lead tablet found at the site of Joshua’s Altar on Mount Ebal has been found, and was reported to the public just a few days ago. This find is no accident, and has profound meaning as we enter into the new Hebrew Shmita Year today at sundown. More about the Shmita Year in…
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April 3, 2022 0

“Year of Release”

From Eliyahu Consider this: I know this newsletter is lengthy, but it is speaking about profound things you need to know about, so please take the time to read it all. A tiny lead tablet found at the site of Joshua’s Altar on Mount Ebal has been found, and was reported to the public just…
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April 3, 2022 0

You’re Invited: Fall Feasts 2021

You’re invited! For this month 7 we have re-mastered the Daniel seminar to HD standards for your viewing enjoyment, for a new viewing experience. Here is the schedule of these special meetings and presentations: Sept 8 – Beasts of Daniel Surfacing Part 1: UN World Government Sept 15 – Beasts of Daniel Surfacing Part 2:…
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September 17, 2021 0

Month 7 – Fall Feasts

Join us all month 7 for our live-streamed celebrations of each of the fall feasts of Leviticus 23. Below is our schedule. Month 7 Schedule. All at 8 PM, CST. Sept 18 – Yom Teruah 2020 – Kingdom Come Sept 25 – Seven Days of Creation Sept 27 – Atonement Day – HOPE! Oct 2…
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September 18, 2020 0

Celebrate the Seventh Month with Us!

Join us on to celebrate the seventh month! Listen to Tsiyon Road Radio for special programming all month including a Midrash Marathon of Leviticus. You can also join us on Tsiyon Tabernacle for special video presentations. Events on the Tabernacle this Month:   Missed an Event? Go Back and Watch it Here!   That Day…
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September 20, 2017 0

Celebrate Sukkot with Eliyahu

Eliyahu ben David invites you to celebrate the 7th month feast of Sukkot with him for an entirely free, eight-evening, live-stream event entitled: Beasts of Daniel Surfacing.

September 26, 2015 0

Holy Time

Holy Time is set-apart time, sanctified time. Holy Time belongs to Him but it is created for us, His holy people, so that we can meet Him and live our lives with Him there. Holy Time will give you a more Biblically correct understanding of Yah’s Appointed Times which He has set. Absolutely know without…
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July 17, 2010 0